Undergraduate Blog / Tag: Marketing - page 5

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Best Tools for Startups

Up until this summer, I had only one experience with a startup, and that was FME. Now, I am working for two startups and so far, it has been a pretty interesting experience. The contrast between working for a corporation versus working for a startup has been insanely different, but I have already learned a…

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Unpaid Internships Are Worth It

I work really hard at my job. I go in early, leave late, ask everyone in my department if they need help, and if it’s a busy day, I’ll even offer to go get coffee. I take on difficult assignments, easy assignments, and even the really annoying, stereotypical “intern” tasks, like organizing the poster closet…

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The Dangers of Going Social

Since the introduction of Facebook in 2004, social media has revolutionized the way business is done, people communicate, and the way we live. The introduction of other social media utilities such as Twitter and Instagram have only added onto how billions of users from around the world interact with one another; however, as individual users…

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The Impact of Positivity

During my internship at Ardsley I always take the initiative and dive into tasks with a positive attitude. For example, a couple of weeks ago my advisor told me to complete some research pertaining to renewable energy investment. I took the initiative and created an organized, well researched report on my findings. A week later I found out…

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Dear Brands: What Millennials Really Want From You

Brands are searching for ways to connect with millennial consumers. The days of free social media leading the way are over and millennials are more demanding than ever. If brands want to keep, or gain, market share of millennial consumers, there are a few things they should know. Below I have listed what I believe…

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Workplace Networking

Throughout my summer internship I have taken numerous steps to expand my professional network. At Ardsley I sit in on client meetings and presentations. During these meetings I not only learn more about the fund, stock market, marketing, finance, etc., but I am able to meet new people and exchange contact information. Along with client…

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When You Know It’s Right

Everyone knows that feeling of waking up in the morning and dreading the thought of going to work. You hear the alarm and you cringe as it beeps in that loud, screechy tone, and then you lay there thinking of as many reasons as possible to not go to work. Last summer, I used to…

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Streaming the Salesforce System

One of my primary tasks to complete throughout my summer internship is to overhaul the company’s salesforce system. I aim to create a system which supports the company’s business strategy. In order to achieve this goal I need to create a salesforce data model that serves the business’s needs. Eventually my administrator hopes to use…

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A Look into Company Culture

Now over two weeks into my internship, I have the opportunity to reflect on what I have learned thus far. Specifically, I will be discussing the company’s culture. My first day at the office was unlike my previous experiences in a business setting.  After a nice introduction to my fellow coworkers, I was immediately engulfed…

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Why Startups are Ideal for Nurturing Young Minds

Internships are a dime a dozen. Students scour the web for months applying to dozens of companies in hope of landing a coveted position. After a grueling search and many interviews, I landed an internship at Evol8tion, based in New York. Here are three reasons I love working at a startup. You have the freedom…