Undergraduate Blog / Tag: reflection

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Thank you cards and gifts

The last days of summer internships are coming and with them you have to prepare for the big closing. Just like wrapping up conversations and final projects, you want to leave your internship and supervisors with a bang! Reflection. First and foremost, reflect about your internship. Write down the things that you learned, that you…

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My Career Needs

Through my internship this summer, I learned a great deal about my work habits as well as what I want in a career. This is invaluable information as it will help me focus on what type of career to look for and what type of company culture will allow me to best succeed. Please note…

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My Huge Secret Project

At the end of my internship at JVS, I secretly finished a huge project: writing six thank-you letters to my supervisors and colleagues by hand. The biggest chunk of the work is composing the contents of each letter. For each person that I wrote for, I tried to think of at least one unique shared…

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Wrapping Up

My ten weeks at Mighty Well recently came to a close. Starting off in late May, I joined as one of the earlier interns and was able to make an amazing group of friends and co-workers throughout the following months. For the most part, we are a female-dominated team. Throughout the summer, I got to…

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Learning vs. Doing at an Internship

Every morning when I go to the office, my supervisor would have a morning briefing with me. Usually during that time, we would talk about our next steps on the project, or simply agree upon one agenda before the day starts. One morning, I sat across her as usual, discussing my plan in tackling down…

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A Summer Reflection

Interning at WGBH was an experience I will not forget. This internship helped me clarify some questions I have had regarding decisions on what I wanted to pursue after I graduate from Babson. With my wide variety of interests which involved business, tech, and creative hobbies, I felt I was at a loss on where…

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Purple Walls

As I sit in a half packed room, I’m starting to realize how much has really happened in here throughout the year. You don’t really think about it when you are living in your room, but those 4 walls have seen it all.  They have seen some of my best days, like the day I got the…