Undergraduate Blog / Tag: Entrepreneurship - page 2

Luck is Preparedness Met Opportunity

Like many others during the beginning of the fall semester, my nights were spent looking for my next big opportunity for the summer. “The summer before your senior year is the most important!” They tell you. But I was ready and I was eager. After all, I didn’t transfer into Babson to be mediocre. My…

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Recruit Babson Undergraduate Talent in Spring 2019!

The Babson Undergraduate Center for Career Development is pleased to announce our 2019 Spring Recruiting Season programs and offerings are now available! We invite you to join us to build your brand on-campus and identify talent for your organization. Below please find many ways to continue to tap into Babson’s talent this Spring. We hope…

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Spend Spring 19 in San Francisco!

Babson’s Semester in San Francisco Undergraduate Program Since Fall 2014, Babson undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to spend a Semester in San Francisco, a city known for its entrepreneurial activity, disruptive technology, and culture of innovation. The SF Bay Area is home to some of the most influential businesses + high growth startups in the world…

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Maximizing the Opportunity When There is Little Direction Given

For as long as I’ve been working, I am used to structure and a clear direction. Though at times it felt predictable, redundant, and monotonous – it was always secure. There was comfort in knowing what I had to do, and what steps I had to take to achieve it. However, the nature of work…

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Entrepreneurial Thought and Action On the Squash Court

What would my summer internship be without recognizing the ways in which ET&A is employed? Babson has it ingrained in me to assess opportunities with an entrepreneurial lens. Surprisingly, I found those elements present at the squash startup. Traditionally, squash was available only to those few who could afford to join clubs, and tournaments seen…

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Babson Alumni: Truly Entrepreneurs of All Kinds

This summer, I am working as a part-time intern with Babson College Marketing, focusing mostly on marketing content through Babson’s various networks. One of my duties is to do research and update profiles of current students and alumni in Babson’s Entrepreneurs of All Kinds database. It has been fascinating to see the wide array of…

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Growth Hacking A Startup

This summer I have been doing a lot of growth hacking for the startups in the accelerator. First, What is Growth Hacking? Simply put a growth hacker is a person whose true north star is growth. Its all about acquiring and retaining customers using creative and low-cost strategies. Growth hackers don’t care about budget, expenses,…


Now we all know Babson college loves risk. They laud it above all else, claiming it to be a integral part of all entrepreneurship endeavors. They use the word in every class, every social group, every extracurricular activity, simply everywhere. Hell they even love to take huge risks as an institution, clearly evidenced by the…

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FME Profile: Reduce, Reuse, Rebound!

One of the most unique features of a Babson education is the school’s one-of-a-kind Foundations of Management and Entrepreneurship (FME) course for first-year students. FME breaks a class of 40 freshmen into smaller groups, each of which forms and runs a company based on an entrepreneurial business idea. Each business goes through important phases such as…