Undergraduate Blog / Author: Bessie Shiroki

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Be You Not Them

You need to choose what is right for you. I always thought I needed guidance and a group to try something new with, but this summer I was able to do it on my own. I asked questions, I listened, and I made mistakes, but learned from them. I took  a risk by working for a…

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Marketing Goes Deeper Than Promotions

At KULE these past two weeks I have been working with our new Director of Marketing in order to revamp our website. May sound simple, with a new aesthetic, new photos, different menu bar, but we have been using data to drive our decisions. I constantly am starting one project and finding more tasks within…

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Excel in Fashion? Never Heard of Her

This past semester, I took Modeling with Excel to improve my Excel skills for my future in the business world and as a resume booster. Little did I know that some of the tools I learned in this course would come in handy pretty quickly when I least expected it. Excel isn’t often thought associated…

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Reading Between the Stripes

What is it actually like to work at a fashion startup in New York City? In a sentence, my internship is a little like The Devil Wears Prada, minus the evil boss, but add pile… or ten…of colorful striped tees.  Just as it sounds, I do make my way around Manhattan between the office, the factory,…