Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

The importance of experiential learning

Experiential learning has played a major role in my digital marketing internship for a fashion start-up. My company is quite young and entering into its third year of operation. Thus, the majority of our marketing strategies are trial-and-error-based as the company establishes a brand voice and image. I have managed the reformation of both the Brand Ambassador and Affiliate Partner programs. In addition to drafting email campaigns for both programs, I oversee the standard operating procedures, application processes, workflows, inquiries, and correspondence. While it is generally difficult to manage an entire program, it is especially difficult when working for a newer company. This is where experiential learning becomes a critical part to the success of the company: I have personally drafted and sent out seven email campaigns for the Affiliate Partner program, and each one has faced its own challenges.

Our company primarily measures the success of an email campaign based on open rates and click rates. Open rates and click rates vary based on the language used in the campaign, the length of the campaign, the day of the week and time at which the campaign is sent, and the format of the campaign. I have seen campaigns improve and worsen; while it can be frustrating and discouraging to see rates decrease, I have learned important lessons as far as digital marketing strategy goes. For example, I now know that the best day of the week to send out the initial campaign email is on Monday, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM. I also know that it is better to draft longer initial campaign emails, and shorter follow-up campaign emails. I would not have learned either of these lessons if I hadn’t been willing to try new tactics with each campaign.

While experiential learning can be intimidating because one fears failure or the unknown, it is necessary if one seeks to improve upon a skill or goal. I am grateful to work for a company that encourages creativity and innovation, because they help to strengthen my career development!