Undergraduate Blog / Admission

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I know it has been a great travel season when my office is a huge mess!  Well, that seems crazy to say, but it is quite true.  I wish I had a camera so that you all could understand what I mean.  I have profiles from high schools, inquiry cards, receipts and business cards among other things placed in piles around my office.  Also, I have transfer folders that I continue to read and evaluate right on my desk for our Spring of 2010 cohort so that I can get a head start on those before I begin reading ED and EA files.

That is truly the theme- this time of October is a time of transition for the admission counselor.  We return from our travels, hyped up about all the super kids we have met and all the exciting places that we have been.  Fall cleaning ensues, and then, we move into hibernation mode, otherwise know as reading season. For now, I will clean through my materials, catch up on email and get organized so that I feel refreshed and ready for your applications.