Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Tag: Idea generation

Solving Problems and Providing Value: How 2 Validate a Business Idea

When you are considering starting a venture, how do you know if your business idea is worth pursuing? While the support of friends and family is always a great start, you’ll want more confirmation from your target market before investing significant time and resources into the project. Drawing upon his research and experiences as a…

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From Ideation to Execution

The following post is from Fifi Shi ’18, a Butler Venture Accelerator team member. “Every year 350 million pairs of sports shoes are thrown away as they are no longer fit to use, while 1.2 billion people wake up without having any kind of foot wear whatsoever”. This fact inspired a young entrepreneur to start…

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Innovation: From Entrepreneurs to Intrapreneurs

Creativity comes naturally to some people but for others it’s a struggle. However, as with any other skill, creativity can be developed. Here are some quick tips that may help with idea generation: Think of solutions to immediate problems in your life. What type of product or service would help fix this problem? Think about…