Undergraduate Blog / Tag: WEST

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Keeping up with WEST

Every Thursday after work, I have to send a document to my supervisor outlining all the tasks I had been given that week, and if I had managed to complete them. In the beginning weeks at WEST, my list was predominantly business development related. It was also quite short. However, when I showed more interest…

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Empowering Women

On 6.6.2012, WEST organized an Executive Women’s Dinner. This was the third one WEST has had this year and the theme was “The Economic Impact of Women on Boards”. Catalyst, a research company, has made various studies that show that companies with 3 or more women on their board have a return on sales of…

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A Peek Into the Profitable Elements of the Non-Profit World

What comes to mind when you think of working for a non-profit organization? Before interning at WEST , my view towards non-profits was skewed. The great business stories of our generation are mostly for-profit organizations: the entrepreneurs, the tech savvy, the green evolutionists, and even the social entrepreneurs are all involved in profit generation. In fact,…