Undergraduate Blog / Tag: Athletics - page 4

Twas the week before Spring Break!

In honor of spring break I decided to try my hand at a bit of poetry… Twas the week before break, when all through the dorms, The students were all studying, especially the bookworms. The books were all stacked on the desks with care, Knowing that exams soon would be there. The students were nestled…

Time to be Thankful

It’s been a little while since I have posted but believe me, there are plenty of fantastic reasons why I have been so busy! First of all, the Babson Field Hockey Team WON the NEWMAC Championship!! It was the first time in program history that we won the post-season championship so it was amazingly exciting.…

Senior Day!

It’s so nice and warm! With all this crazy weather we’ve been having it’s hard to believe that this may be here to stay! I hope it is, mostly so I can enjoy it on a day when I’m not sitting inside at work like I am right now 🙁 I had my Senior Day…

Words of Wisdom

So instead going my usual ranting about how upset I am that I only have two weeks left of classes, and I graduate a month from tomorrow, I thought I would put my senior knowledge to better use and pass on some of it to those of you debating on whether or not to come,…

The Final Stretch!

I’ve just returned from my last spring break. What a sad statement to make. I had so much fun with the team, definitely one of the best spring breaks in the last four years! A perfect way to end it. But now, the bombardment of commencement emails, senior surveys and graduation portrait slips in my…

The Rhythm of the Babson Spring Semester

The Spring semester at Babson college has a remarkably different rhythm than the Fall semester. The fall semester begins with a burst of energy with all the excitement of kicking off a new academic year. In addition, the fall semester does not have break until deep into the semester at Thanksgiving. So there is a…

Spring Break Fast Approaching!

Where is spring? I’m done with snow boots, winter coats, and thick sweatshirts. I’m bored of snowball fights, snowmen and watching people slip. Snow starts to lose its appeal after a while, and it definitely has at this point. I’m ready for outdoor barbecues, laying on the grass on the upper fields and sun! Springtime at…

Spring Semester= So Hectic!

Hello! It’s been so long since my last post, but things have been so crazy! Second semester is in full swing, and I have barely had time to breathe! To sum up since my last post, FME has officially started, courtesy of the FME fair last Monday! It was actually incredibly fun; I got to…

College Visits

It seems like a long time ago when I was a senior in high school looking at different colleges. I was reminded of the exciting and nervous feelings this weekend when my suitemate and I helped host a prospective student athlete from Houston, Texas. This was the frist school she had looked at and she…

Toys of my Childhood

I used to have this recorder that was at that time in my life the coolest thing ever. You could record your voice and then replay it sped up or slowed down. You could keep recording things and hear things you’d recorded in the past as well as things you’d just recorded. I had the…