Undergraduate Blog / Author: Joshua Stevenson - page 2

All in a Day’s Work

This post was written by undergraduate students Jennifer Kearney ’11 and Cathy Bao ’12 as they participate in Babson’s Habitat for Humanity Winter Break trip “Work hard – it all comes back to you.” It was our first day on the Habitat for Humanity (Bayou/Louisiana) job, and it was pretty amazing. The weather surprised us – it was…

…And We’re Home from New Orleans

This post was written by undergraduate student Marissa Ferber ’09 Goodbye Louisiana! Yesterday before we boarded the plane for home, we took a trip to the lower 9th ward in Louisiana, where the levy broke and the largest impact of Katrina hit. The night before, Doug showed a few of us pictures from his trip…

A Senior’s Point of View – Habitat in Louisiana

As a senior at Babson, I feel a sense of urgency when I look at the calendar and see that only weeks remain until graduation.  And yet, there is still so much that can be accomplished in this narrow window of time.  The past few days in Thibodaux, LA have proven this.  Building homes for…

“Shiva Shiva what what?” New Orleans Day Three!

Allons-y (Let’s Go) New Orleans! Last night was an adventure, as always. We started the night by eating local cuisine, complete with alligator. We have learned that every single thing in Louisiana is fried. So at our table included: fried pickles, fried alligator bites (which somehow Melissa liked), fried cornbread (hush puppies), fried catfish, turtle…we…

“I NEED AN ADULT!” New Orleans Day 2!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from New Orleans! FIrst, we are going to begin by explaining what we’re doing here, as we neglected to address this in our earlier post. Our team of 15 students is led by Josh “fearless leader” Stevenson, Professor Kevin “Can I have a piece of that?” Tuthill, Doug “One-way” Pottle, and…