Undergraduate Blog / Author: Adrienne Ramsey - page 3

Babson Offshore Course in South Africa

Hello there! We have been having one of the rainiest Junes in the history of the world, so I have been too depressed by it to write much…. So, I am looking to our students who are doing neat things with their summers for inspiration. (All I have to offer for a post is my…

Transition to Summer

Before I worked in college admission, I was a high school teacher for four years.  The end of the school year was bittersweet, as we looked forward to summer and all the joys that it brings, but we as teachers were sad to see our students go. Now, here at Babson, it is a completely…

Summer Venture Program Launches

From an update that I received today: Selected students working to develop their entrepreneurial ventures over the summer will be part of a pilot program geared towards accelerating their new venture. For the first time, a 10-week summer intensive for student entrepreneurs at Babson is being launched.  For selected students, the program will provide work…

More Twitter Fun

Don’t worry; I have not left Babson and am now working for twitter. But, you can also follow Babson athletics on twitter at BabsonAthletics. It is funny- I do not have a facebook account, but I am so into twitter!


Everyone is twittering (sp?) now…. Even when I was running the marathon last week, I saw people pulling out their blackberries to post updates! Even Babson College is on twitter- if you want to become a follower, visit this link!

Final FME Presentations

Just a few days til the marathon! I did my last run until race day at lunch and it was windy…. Yikes! On a completely separate note, it is that sad time of year when all the FME businesses liquidate.  Next week, all the first year students will be giving their final presentations.  If you…

One Month To Go…

One Month to Go…. Hello readers! As many of you know, we released our decision letters for admission for Fall 2009. For many of you, the month of March signifies the end of the marathon-like college admission process that you have undertaken. There is the training period- your schoolwork, extracurriculars, testing, etc- followed by the…

St. Patrick’s Day Weekend in Boston

Cead Mille Failte! For those of you not fluent in Gaelic, that is a hundred thousand welcomes!  We begin the countdown to what is an unofficial holiday here in the Boston area- Saint Patrick’s Day. Here in Massachusetts, we take the Irish influence in the area very seriously.  (Did you ever hear of our NBA team,…

Who doesn’t love reality television?

Even our professors are tuned into popular culture!  Check out the course description for this Babson course. EPS3579 The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Challenge The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Challenge – Success or You Are Fired! — a new course with a structure similar to Donald Trump’s “Apprentice” TV show. Students will be divided into teams and compete for…

I jinxed it!

After my blog post on Friday about running in the springlike weather, New England experienced a big snowstorm this past weekend.  It had so much impact, in fact, that Babson was closed on Monday! Now, I have to run on the dreadmill all week as the sidewalks are covered in snow…… P.S. I did a…