Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Measures to take so you don’t break down during remote work

With measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, many university students currently have their work routines modified, starting to intern remotely. The biggest misconception of remote work is that, without the need to take transportation to work, there would be enough time left for all demands and tasks to be accomplished. However, for those who are not used to this format or have some kind of ease of being distracted, like me, adaptation can be a big challenge. Until a few days ago, in addition to my internship, I was also taking a Summer Course by Babson to speed up my studies, as well as having returned to study Japanese and started courses in animation and art, thinking that I could handle everything with this “time” extra.”

However, this change and the lack of self-preparation, together with my ease to be distracted, ended up damaging my cognitive and socioemotional process, with self-doubt and emotional overload being constant. So, I had to do something related to my way of managing my time and getting the job done.

It is difficult to resist the temptation to do household chores in parallel with professional activities while at home. Therefore, it is important to set aside time for these tasks and try to complete them within the period established for this. On the day of work or study, it is also worth choosing a suitable location, with less stimulus to ensure focus. And the use of task and time management applications can help to ensure that we will have time not to work and that we will see the result of the work going on.

For those who live with family or share an apartment with friends, they may face even greater challenges. Reconciling the schedules of all residents of the house is not always an easy task. Share how your routine works, make it clear that you still follow your activities normally, and share household responsibilities. We have to understand that everyone’s routine inside the house has changed and that this has to be absorbed gradually by each member of the family or home. There are countless times when I was busy with work and someone from home kept calling me to do something else, or when they open the door without permission because I don’t hear since I have headphones on in meetings.

In addition to the work and study routine, maintaining healthy habits is important. Physical exercise and a balanced diet are allies in maintaining health. And, in order not to lose the rhythm, you can look for websites, apps and videos with guidelines for practicing activities at home is a good option. Every morning before I start my work, I do half an hour of yoga and half an hour of cardio, and when I start to work I have an extremely superior performance. The same tips are for food: search websites and pages on social networks with a focus on simple and healthy recipes, especially for those who are not in the habit of cooking at home.

And lastly, what if we have a lot to do? It is necessary to be aware of what we are able to do with our time and not charge ourselves that much. My courses that I signed up for, luckily, are all on-demand, so I don’t need to follow hours and hours of class every week; but my biggest problem until the end of the summer course was how much I charged myself to make the amount I paid for these courses count. In the end, what counts most for our performance is how we treat ourselves: are we kind to ourselves? Are we conscious and self-empathic?