Undergraduate Blog / Defining Your Babson

Meeting Boston Fashion Week’s CEO

I had to take a huge breath before I met him. As I told my inner self that my mind was not lying to me, I finally came to terms with the fact that indeed…my stylist invited me to a meeting I really should not have been allowed to attend, but because of fashion stylist assistant privileges it was made possible! I’m so thankful for that! So, I sat in that room along with other bright minds (my stylist included) and was able to listen into important information pertaining to the execution of events. Though I was not permitted to voice my opinions, I was delighted just by the mere fact that they allowed me to listen in. As a result, of course, I learned so much! In addition to that important meeting, I had the opportunity to visit lots of venues for locations BID – the Boston Business Improvement District Corporation was planning to utilize for Boston Fashion Week. The VIP treatment I received from my internship in general is something I will never be able to let go. I am truly blessed to have had the opportunity to be exposed to things I needed to know as an aspiring fashion stylist. What an honor that was.