Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Fashion Stylist Assistant First Impression(s)

When one of the 15 or so agencies I called notified me that there was a fashion stylist who was in need of help with some projects over summer, my heart rejoiced. I was so excited even before I found out that I would indeed be interning for her over summer…and even beyond that because these projects extend beyond summer. My journey into acquiring the internship I have right now certainly was not easy, as I had to be the one actively looking for the job. I would encounter interesting situations during my research because I knew I was not “fully” equipped experience-wise in the fashion industry, but I knew that the inner zeal I had was much stronger than the skill set which most fashion agencies would have required. That boost gave me extra confidence which enabled me to really vouch for myself despite the odds I was competing with.

As I write, I reflect on day 1 of my internship which was AMAZING. I showed up to my job site (which my stylist had called to notify me of the night before) and found myself assisting in my first ever fashion show. This show was for the purposes of raising thousands of money for cancer research which of course, was for a great cause. To make matters better, upon my arrival I found myself walking in a sea of people! It was a lot to taken in honestly. I was still simply trying to wrap my head around the idea that I was here, had a job title of “assistant” to this fashion stylist who collaborates and facilitates Boston Fashion Week, has a laundry list of useful professional contacts which she told me she would gladly reference me to, and people are actually asking me questions and wanting directions from an intern who they have NO IDEA has zero experience in the fashion industry!…So yes, this was a first but most importantly a great first because not only was I respected as “Fashion Stylist Assistant” to a well known stylist in Boston, but after the fashion show was over (which was aired on TV by the way, so you’ll see me there) my stylist introduced me to Boston Fashion Week’s CEO and a professor from the Fashion Institute of Technology who simultaneously does photography for other agencies in Boston – WOW. Disclaimer: Those are just 2 of many professional people in the industry I have met so far.

I’m completely amazed at how my summer experience (so far) is changing me in the best way possible and keeps validating my love for fashion. I absolutely am loving my job and am always willing and excited to share my experiences with anyone who asks! Even now just thinking about what I got to do in addition to all of the above points I mentioned makes me very happy. I was able to dress models, rehearse with them and go over covered material, sometimes there’d be instances during the show were someone was missing an item and guess who’d be the one to mix and match things on the spot so they could walk the runway? That’s right, ME. I was given these opportunities on the first day of the job which was unbelievable. My “zero” experience in the fashion industry that day turned into “experienced and well respected fashion stylist assistant”…AMAZING first impression!