Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Words of Wisdom from a Graduating Senior

This post was written by Kayla Hale ’15, CCD Peer Career Ambassador

As we approach the last 2 weeks before graduation, its so disorienting to think that after May 16th, I will no longer be an undergrad at Babson. I wont be moving back on campus next Fall, or be living within a 1 second – 3 minute walk of my friends, or be able to take naps on a regular basis, 3 day weekends every weekend are not a thing in the real world, and it wont be acceptable to go to bed between 12-2am every night. More importantly, I am going to miss all the people that I get to see all the time at sorority events, group meetings, campus activities, or in my dorm – running into people you like is so easy at Babson.

So what advice do I have for students still pursuing their degrees? Here is my list:

1. Make a bucket list and DO EVERYTHING

Whether your bucket list is silly or serious – from looking inside of the Coleman globe, star-gazing at Upper fields, to studying abroad while at Babson, starting a culinary club, or volunteering on weekends – do as much as possible while at Babson. You do not want to leave here after 4 years wishing you did something that you never got the chance to do.

2. Walk around campus with your best friend and talk about all of the stories you have

My freshman, sophomore, and now senior year roommate & best friend (all one person) randomly went for a walk to upper fields and Coleman and around campus. As we were walking down the Coleman hill I remembered a time when the two of us were walking down the hill during winter and both completely wiped out and slid halfway down. Remembering all the ridiculous things that have happened during the 4 years is truly mind-boggling. If you are just starting at Babson – start doing ridiculous things so you have these stories to talk about when you’re a senior.

3. Meet as many new people as possible and always be friendly

This is my personal piece of wisdom – being friendly, warm, and personable can go a long way at Babson. Everyone has bad days, but you don’t want to be that person that is always negative and doesn’t say hi to people.

I could go on and on… but the best part about college is that you can literally do whatever you want – eat unlimited pizza, spend an entire day on Netflix, sleep until 2pm – all of this becomes much less acceptable after college. Do what makes you happy – explore your interests, find your passions, spend time with people you like. Follow this advice and I guarantee you’ll leave Babson with no regrets.