Undergraduate Blog / Defining Your Babson

Division III Sports- Discover, Develop, Dedicate!

The stated Mission of the NCAA Division III is: To govern competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount.”

When the college application process begins, many high school athletes must evaluate the role sports will play in their futures.   Some athletes miss great opportunities when they fail to look beyond the big name Division I sports schools. There is a lot of value and great experience that can result from competing at the Division III level.

Babson is one of those NCAA Division III level schools that can offer some great value. One such benefit is found in the fact that the athletes at the Division III level do not receive athletic scholarships, so they are participating because of their passion for the sport and enjoyment they get from being part of a team. It is great to be surrounded by teammates like you who are genuinely passionate about the sport.

Division III schools can also place a high priority on the “academics” for the student-athlete, recognizing that the student is in college to build career opportunities rather than athletic opportunities. For small schools like Babson, you also find supportive coaches who are approachable and who understand the need for balance between academics and sports. Athletes at schools like Babson are also provided with opportunities to be very active on their team and be part of the competition.

Athletics at Babson also provides some wonderful opportunities, like the ability to move onto campus early to begin preseason training and develop that incredible bond that comes from being part of a supportive group with a shared passion.

Babson also offers some athletes the opportunity to participate in more than one sport, as compared to many schools which expect athletes to only compete in one sport for which they train year round. Athletes are able to develop their athletic, leadership, and teamwork skills at all levels and the close bonds among motivated Division III teams cannot be ignored.

I am fortunate to have an incredible experience competing at the Division III level at Babson. It has allowed me to compete in both regional and championship events while allowing me to pursue my love for running with great teammates, in a competitive atmosphere with a supportive and balanced environment.  I have found it to be an easy transition which has allowed for a great balance between rigorous academics and sports!