Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

I love my job I love my job I love my job!!! Intro to Verdenergia and Permaculture

I posted this yesterday but upon looking again, I don’t see it. Here I go again!! (Yay to saving things in a Word document first!!)

Hi all!! Sorry for a late first post. I’ve been working at Verdenergia for 3 weeks as of today, but I’ve had some difficulty connecting to the internet and also connecting to the blogs, but all is well now!! I have got so much to say, but I’ve realized that by being concise while purposeful, I may be able to keep your beautiful attentions and presences just long enough to share the awesomeness and diversity of my experiences working at Verdenergia.

First, for a little background, Verdenergia is an intentional permaculture community in Lanas de Puriscal, Costa Rica. Some of you may be wondering, “permaculture?”…what the heck is permaculture!? Good question. I knew very little about permaculture in action before working at Verdernergia, but I have learned so much since my arrival. Permaculture was a word coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, which stood for “permanent agriculture.” Permaculture is in many ways connected to the concept of sustainability, in which we are trying to sustain our wants and needs as well as the Earth’s resources (ie sustaining current inputs and outputs). Permaculture, however, seeks to go beyond sustainability by revitalizing the planet and curbing our appetites in order to live in harmony with the Earth and all of its inhabitants, including people and ecosystems around us from animal to algae and beyond. Permaculture attempts to mimic nature through observation of how nature works in its most unadulterated, natural form, and uses this observation as a means of co-operating with the planet. Some aspects of permaculture include organic farming, rainwater harvesting, composting (ie creating NO WASTE…everything must go back into the cycle), and becoming conscious of the energy inputs necessary to produce every output that we use today. It is not just about food, or sustainable building and design, or community. It is about creating a holistic environment for life to thrive, from personal to universal. Permaculture is a way of life.

My experiences for the past three weeks have brought me to a very retrospective, introspective, perceptive, and prospective place where I have been considering how my actions, and those of generations before me, with me, and after me have, are, and will affect our planet, our people, and ourselves. I’ve become far more conscious about how something as seemingly small as buying a brand new shirt from the mall affects this planet, and to consider the energy input from planting or making and harvesting raw materials to shipping the shirt to a store where I go to purchase it. I’ve been a lot more conscious of negative externalities and my particular role in supporting negative externalities in a system that does not always support people or the planet, when it chooses to discount all that goes into making and selling a product. I have so much to say, but I will try to speak in installments. Let it suffice to say this space at Verdenergia is magical and revolutionary. I am so grateful to be in a community of people who are taking very intentional action to create a world they want to be a part of.

Over the past two weeks, I completed a two-week intensive Permaculture Design Course  (PDC) in addition to working on the farm, or “finca,” which has taught me a lot and has increased my competency in permaculture. I’m so excited to share with you all, and I look forward to making this blog an open space of communication where we can share ideas and simply connect with one another.

Sending you sooo much love and appreciation!!
Renee <3