Undergraduate Blog / Defining Your Babson

Now I Know How the Energizer Bunny Feels

Ahhh…I know I have fallen behind with my blogging as of late, but it seems like my semester has gone from 0 mph to 60 mph during these last couple of weeks.

In the world of academia, my professors have started to hand back the papers that I have written and are throwing out words like review sessions and study guides.  These are all clear warning signs of mid-terms quickly approaching.  This semester I only have one written exam coming up, but the rest of my work will be presentations (oh the life of a marketing concentration).  I have been spending most of my time meeting with my different groups and trying to organize my work so when it becomes crunch time I will not freak out.  So far it has been smooth sailing and overall I am taking some really interesting courses with some amazing professors and it is exciting to see how much work I have done since the beginning of the school year.

It has also been extra busy in my world of extracurricular activities.  To my surprise, I was offered a part in the BSU production of Raisin in the Sun (the same production that Rayshawn mentioned in a earlier post).  I will be playing the role of Benethea Younger, the sister with aspirations of becoming a doctor.  The thing that I like the most about this character is that is very different than my own.  I really get to experiment with expressing emotions and character development.  It has been a lot of fun so far, but with 3 rehearsals per week, it has been a bit time consuming.  Needless to say, the art prioritizing has been something that I have been practicing a lot lately.  It took me a while to find the perfect balancing of work, activities, and fun but I think I have finally found the levels that work best for me.

Well…I guess that pretty much summarizes everything up for me.  My senoir year is steadily rolling along and I hope you are enjoying yours as well!

Until next time…Let’s all keep going and going and going!!!

Just Keep Going and Going and Going!!!!