Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Be On The Lookout

Hey Gang,


So this is my last bit of news for the year. 


Babson Career Connections is moving to a new home.  But not to worry… it’s not going far.  Over the winter break, ITSD will be moving the Babson Career Connections Link to its very own portlet on your portal page.


The Career Center portlet will pull together lots of useful links to help you with your career search as well as any other news that is coming out of our office.  The portlet will automatically be added to your portal page once it is launched.  For the time being, you can still find Career Connections under your Smart Tools in the portal.  (For a limited time next year, Career Connections will have two homes in the new portlet and under Smart Tools.)


As mentioned previously, our offices are closed from 12/24-1/2, however we’ll be back in business on January 5 so give us a shout if you need us.


Until next year…


Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Three Kings Day and Happy Boxing Day and Happy Birthday (late Sagittarius and Capricorns) and Happy New Year and Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings. (I hope I didn’t miss anything!)

