Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Who Do You Love

Who do you love?


And I don’t mean, mom, grandpa, baby sis, or Big Papi…  I mean in terms of corporations, companies, potential employers… Who do you love?

A friend of mine recently told me, “I want Google to run my life.”  He loves Google.  Loves their products.  Loves their mission.  Loves the way they run their business.  He loves everything that they do.  Who do you love?    Go ahead take 2 minutes and write it down.  I’ll wait…


Now which of these companies would you want to work for?


Let me share a little story:  There once was a fashionable little girl who lived in a magical kingdom, far far away.  She loved a certain urban apparel clothing line.  And by love, I mean she LOVED that clothing line to the point that whenever she saw something they made, she bought it.  She loved their designs.  She loved what they stood for.  She loved their choice of models and spokespeople.  She loved everything about them.  So one day, she sat down and wrote them a letter.  She told them how much she loved their products, their goals, etc… and then included a few lines about herself.  She mentioned that she was interested in learning more about their organization and was curious if they had any summer opportunities available. 


Weeks later she got an email back with an invitation to visit their corporate headquarters in New York City.  When she went in for the visit, she was given a tour of the company, introduced to some senior execs, and offered an internship. 


Well, guess what, seniors?  That little girl was me.  And if it can happen for me, it can happen for you…


So who do you love?  The Red Sox?  De Beers? Gucci?  Audi?  Target? Campbell’s Soup? Are you engaging with them?  Checking their job boards? Reading their blogs?  Following their Tweets on Twitter?  Are you using this information in your cover letters and personal networking? 


Remember gang, it’s all business.  I know a kid who got a job with the WWE (yes the wrestling people) after writing to them about one of their storylines… 



 …Everything has a business side.  Even Vince McMahon needs an accountant, right?