Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Why so serious?

If you went out this Halloween weekend, you probably saw one or two Sarah Palins, a couple of Joe The Plumbers, and maybe even an Ironman or Batman.  My favorite costume this year was Heath Ledger’s Joker, from The Dark Knight.  If you’ve seen the movie you know that Ledger plays a dark and ominous maniac whose relentless thirst for anarchy brings Gotham to its limits.  However I find, his sinister tagline, “Why so serious?” to be an apt expression characterizing a general attitude towards today’s job market.




Why so serious?


There’s plenty that you can do to land that job after graduation!


Have you honed in on an industry or a job function that’s really attractive to you? Are you set on a particular location/region or are you open to anywhere? Are you talking to people here, there, and everywhere about your career interests? 


What if you’ve done all that? Are you interviewing and not getting offers? Are you applying to jobs and not getting interviews? Are you not sure how to get started?


Why so serious?  You’ve got help!  From narrowing in on the right fields, to choosing between job offers, the good folks at CCD have got your back to help get you through this process.  Think of us like Alfred, and you’re Batman.  You’re running the show, and we’re helping you through it with style, class, and ingenuity. 


So honestly… why so serious?  Let’s put a smile on that face.  Come by CCD or make an appointment to speak with a counselor about your passions and your pursuits.  Your fears and your frustrations. Your challenges and your cover letters.  Your resumes and your road blocks.  It’s not so bad out there…  “”All our dreams can come true–if we have the courage to pursue them.”  Walt Disney

