Creating Social Value Blog / Service in Action

Summer Corps Week 3

Working in the Verizon Innovative Learning program has been both taxing and rewarding. Not only do I have the opportunity to teach something I am passionate about but I have the opportunity to learn as well. The program has taught me how to improve my communication skills. I’ve learned how to describe things in various ways as well as how to simplify complex concepts. Communication is a massive focus for our program. The ability to convey your thoughts and opinions is critical for all people no matter the occupation or age.

Spending your summer in a classroom may not be the average teenager’s idea of a good time but the Verizon Innovative Learning students see the value in what they’re doing. They understand that English and entrepreneurship are incredibly valuable skills and work hard every day to make progress. In class, we discuss the endless possibilities available to someone with an entrepreneurial mindset. Entrepreneurs don’t have to be business owners but they do have to be problems solvers. For me, giving the gift of critical thinking makes the whole experience worth every minute.

– Jack Flynn