Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Tag: SVP 2018 Blog Series - page 4

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Communicating with Impact

How do you most effectively package your pitch? Andy Tollison, a Babson Speech Center consultant, taught the Summer Venture Program participants just how important it is to consider not only the content of a pitch, but also the way it is presented. Did you know that about a quarter of what people recall from a…

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The Boston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

David Chang, the Director of the Babson College Summer Venture Program, recently lead a talk about his experience navigating the Boston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. So who exactly is David? He’s an “accidental entrepreneur.” Originally attending Cornell’s School of Engineering, David never imagined that he would step foot into the business realm. However, after a few classes…

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Week 2: Summer Venture Program 2018

After a relaxing Memorial Day weekend, it was time to get back into the swing of things with the second week of the Summer Venture Program. The week begun with team updates. This was a chance for our fifteen teams to reflect on and share their successes of the previous week, ask each other for…

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Week 1: Summer Venture Program 2018

With the sun shining bright on this lovely Boston morning, fifteen teams entered Workbar ready and eager to begin Babson’s 2018 Summer Venture Program. The day started with a brief welcome from David Chang, the program’s director, and a quick orientation lead by Julianne, our Workbar host for the summer. After touring the space and…