Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Tag: Race

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Facing Race, at school and work

Post by Carly Moore, class of 2015. After four years, Babson students can expect to find themselves transformed by an education that challenges the ways they think about business, culture and society. Along with their degree, Babson graduates should emerge with a greater awareness for both the self and others, ready to gracefully tackle the…

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What St. Louis Teaches Me: A Young Woman’s Perspective

Post by Yulkendy Valdez St. Louis became my new home at the age of ten. It also became my influence: a teacher of sorts. I passed neighborhoods where racial discord was apparent. I also passed neighborhoods where one could see a clear divide between white and black neighborhoods. This picture of St. Louis only becomes…

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I Am Not This Skin

Post by Michelene Wilkerson When I first got to college, I thought I made it. I thought I had moved past some of my biggest hurdles as a young Black woman: I wouldn’t have to hear too many stereotypes since I won two of largest merit-based leadership scholarships in the country. I along with millions of Black…

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What if many of us are biased and we don’t know it?

Fifty years after MLK’s historic speech, Babson Professor Elizabeth Thornton delves into our unconscious biases and teaches us how we can make conscious choices and uphold values to become “modern-day marchers for economic justice and racial harmony.”   Read the full Article: “What if Many of Us Are Biased and We Don’t Know It?” on Huffington Post.