Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Tag: Persuasion

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Verbal and Nonverbal Presentation Techniques

Remember Amy Cuddy’s 2012 TED Talk in which she introduced the importance of “power posing?” She studied whether our nonverbals affect how we think and feel about ourselves, and as it turns out, they do. Cuddy found that people who for two minutes posed in “high power” positions, consisting of stretching out and taking up…

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The Art of Persuasion

Did you know that persuasion, defined as “a conscious attempt by one individual or group to change the attitudes, beliefs, or behavior of another individual or group of individuals through the transmission of some message“, functions on a continuum? Every message your company emits can either slightly or completely shift a customer’s opinion of your…

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Creating a Capital Campaign for Raising Money

Investors hear lots of pitches and read through many business plans – daily. How do you make your venture stand out? Summer Venture Program adviser David Lopez hosted a session for the 2015 cohort on how to create a capital campaign for raising money. Creating a capital campaign is a good process to go through…

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How Can You Be Persuasive

With the Summer Venture Showcase coming up on Thursday, July 30, the 2015 Summer Venture Program participants have been getting ready to present their ventures to a large audience of investors, entrepreneurs, service providers, faculty and students. Babson’s Speech Center recently shared some tips on how to be persuasive with your presentation. Everyone can think…