Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Babson Entrepreneurs

The First Steps to Entrepreneurial Sales – Takeaways from SVP Alum Matias Sevi’12

On July 10th, Summer Venture Program alum Matias Sevi’12 spoke with the 2014 cohort and shared his way of exploring entrepreneurial opportunities. In addition to participating in SVP in 2012, Sevi won the first alumni track of the B.E.T.A. Challenge in 2013 for his venture

Matias Sevi'12 presenting at Beta Challenge

Matias Sevi’12 presenting at Beta Challenge

Sevi pointed out the importance of being attentive to the opportunities in your immediate area, and shared that he developed his idea for MandaSeguro while talking to a food server at the Babson dining hall. He emphasized the importance of getting sales off the ground and said not to be afraid in investing in the first customer. Sevi advised to build trust and confidence in order to continue selling to customers. For MandaSeguro specifically, Sevi utilized the Babson alumni network to find his retailers. Sevi suggested trying different methods to discover the best way to acquire your customers. There is no correct method that everyone can use.

Sevi shared with the 2014 cohort to try everything they can in the program and learn as much as they can from the SVP experience. Sevi pointed out that results do not come right away and suggested to the entrepreneurs to be patient in reaching certain milestones. Do not be discouraged by the numbers you may have right now but have an open mind. Try utilizing different methods to acquire your customers to help bring your venture one step further.