Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Babson Entrepreneurs

Business Budgeting Tips #4 Using A Gantt Chart

Many different business or company owners don’t even bother using budgets at all to help them with meeting their different profit goals. Some don’t even have a profit goal and will settle with what they get. The reason for this is because the chief executives and the business owners figured that trying to learn how to make a workable budget method is just too annoying and hard and one big waste of time that they just don’t want to bother with it. In the end they just hope that they sell enough products or services to cover the bills and end them up with a profit after it all. Thinking like that can end your business.

Make yourself a Gantt chart and use it. No idea what this is? A Gantt chart is a timeline that is expanded and lets you track all deliverable dates for your budget completion. It will help you realize if you had too much planned in a short amount of time, too much to get it all done. Being as your business does other things than just delivering products and sells that will take up their time, as well as yours.

Danny Wong uses a Gantt chart because he knows how important it is to keep track of his custom dress shirt business as well as his second dress shirt startup. He is also making a custom product review website that is worth getting in to!