Tag: relationships

The Importance of a simple introduction

When interning at a strength and conditioning facility most athletes have been training at the gym for many years and have developed strong relationships with the current staff. In addition, they have likely been there for many summers of changing interns and part-time staff. When this is the case their tendency is to rely on…

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The Internship is Over, Now What?

Last week I finished my internship at Deloitte Israel where I had an incredible experience. The people I met, the places I went, and the work I did was so amazing I could have never imagined it. But now that I am not going to work every day at 8:30 and I am about to…

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Networking: Mistakes you Don’t Know You’re Making

This blog post was written by Peer Career Ambassador, Stela Maksutaj (’17). Networking (ˈnetˌwərk): socioeconomic business activity by which business people and entrepreneurs meet to form business relationships and to recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities, share information and seek potential partners for ventures. How intimidating! The word networking itself is off putting to some…

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Basketball has always been something I’ve loved. I started playing at a young age which led to it becoming my favorite sport almost instantly. I played basketball through high school because all of my closest friends were on the varsity team and it allowed me to escape from stress. After high school, I was worried…

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ACG Professional Culture

Hello again everyone, Now that I’ve spent a little over a month at my internship at ACG New York, I see a considerable trend of communication that focuses more on intrapersonal relationship building, social capital, and personal selling. The corporate culture of my internship is business professional. A lot of very high level professionals are…

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