Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Who Knew What Career Beam Could Do?!

career series picOver the past year, I have immersed myself in many of the “ins-and-outs” of Career Beam (CB), CCD’s 24/7 virtual career center, which provides guidance on core career skills, on-line assessments, in-depth research tools, and more.  Just when I think I have a pretty good grasp of what CB has to offer, I realize I’m just standing on the tip of the iceberg!  Every day I learn more about the depth of its resources, the wealth of information, and CB’s ability to meet each student’s unique interests. Yesterday was no exception.  At CCD’s final Career Series program for the semester, I was joined by Peer Career Ambassadors Michael Horbowy and Shun Ping Huang, Daryl Bullis from Horn Library, and Rachel Katz from Career Beam. The topic was Career Assessment and Research — in other words, understanding yourself (interests, motivators, values, personality) and finding careers that are a good match. For those of you unfamiliar with Career Beam, it can be accessed directly from your student portal — just click the Career Beam link under Career Center.

Did you know . . .

  • That by setting up target industries, functions, or companies in your User Profile — Career Beam will automatically identify jobs/internships that are a good match for you?  These will appear on your personalized CB homepage every time you log in.
  • That CB’s Company Research Tools (found under Resource Tools, see image below) will provide you with company overviews, includiCB home pageng Operations, Geographic Reach, Sales & Marketing Strategy, Financial Performance, as well as any M&A activity?  In addition, it includes the latest news, and brilliantly will interface with your LI and FB accounts, which will identify connections in your own network!
  • That CB’s Industry Reports (again found under Research Tools) leverage the power of First Research to provide detailed industry information, including industry overview, current news and social media activity, industry forecasts, critical issues, business challenges and trends, industry opportunities and financial information?
  • That CB’s Busines Information Resources (yep, again under Research Tools) can identify professional organizations, magazines/journals, newsletters and databases based upon your target industries, job functions, and companies?

Think about it . . . by taking some time in advance of meeting a company for an interview, at the internship fair, or at a networking event, you’ll be able to demonstrate your knowledge of current events, industry trends, competitors, and critical issues.  Talk about differentiating yourself and making a strong first impression!