Undergraduate Blog / Career Development

Communication Essentials

Sadly, I am nearing the end of my summer internship and I will be leaving the New York City area to go back to New Hampshire (my home!) soon. As I am completing my last tasks for the summer I find it fitting to share with everyone one of the most important workplace skills I learned: communication.

When I first began at Ardsley I knew the importance of communication through various coursework I did at Babson College. In FME, Information Technology, and Marketing I completed group work and there was always a common theme of miscommunication. I wrote reflective papers about the miscommunication, but I never had the opportunity to practice the skills I learned. Going into the internship I was determined to ask questions when I needed clarification, write clear emails, make sure my presentations are clear and professional, and make sure I effectively listen and respond to employees. I was shocked to see how effective communication completes tasks faster and builds strong relationships.

When I was working on a project I would ask if I was going down the correct path thirty minutes into the task. This way I would not waste days completing a report, which my supervisor did not like, or was done incorrectly. I realized that asking questions is beneficial because the end product that you produce is done properly and less time is wasted. I cannot wait to go back to Babson College in the Fall and share the new skills I learned with my peers. Reading other students’ blogs also helped me throughout the summer and kept me motivated to keep trying my best. I am excited to talk with people in person about what they accomplished!