Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Babson Entrepreneurs

Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

Did you know that the United States ranks among the worst countries for work-life balance? Or that nearly 60% of employees recently worked while on vacation? Cindy Berg, an entrepreneur, mother, and Summer Venture Program advisor, presented these shocking facts to the teams at a recent Lunch and Learn. This session was focused on creating positive habits and techniques to help the entrepreneurs know when they have tipped the work-life scale too far in one direction.

Cindy believes that entrepreneurs are a “special kind of crazy.” With our motivation to succeed and attachment to our businesses, it’s no wonder that 20% of small business owners work 60 or more hours per week, or that 97% work weekends! While some entrepreneurs take pride in this lifestyle, it is neither healthy nor sustainable.

It is unrealistic to expect a perfect balance of your interests every day, but the ability to recognize when one consistently takes priority is vital. To help us do so, Cindy ran us through this quick exercise: List three non-negotiables in your life. Then, list three reasons that you started your business, or how you envision success. As you pursue your goals, periodically check to make sure your non-negotiables have not been pushed to the back burner. If the people or activities that used to define you are now suffering, adjustments should be made.

A few ways to reduce work-related stress include delegating tasks, creating boundaries for when you will start and stop work every day, involving loved ones in your work whenever possible, establishing a healthy business culture early on, and setting realistic work projections. It is better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around!

The next time you feel overwhelmed trying to balance your work and home life, we hope these tips help you feel more in control.