Living Entrepreneurship Blog / Babson Entrepreneurs

Interesting Business Advice Part #1

When you are starting a business, there are a lot of things that will contribute to how far your business may succeed or how bad it might fail. Among these contributing factors are some you may have never thought would matter or make any difference at all, and that without them you are only making an unnecessary hindrance that could be avoided. Here are some of these interesting lessons you can learn to make your business thrive.

A very important thing for you to know is that relationships are more important than contracts. Business deals are relationships between buyer and seller. Contracts are important too, but the signed paper is what comes from the relationships you have with your customers, not the cause. If a relationship fails or falls apart, a contract will not rescue you, although it may be very lucrative for your lawyer.

Another important piece of business advice is that taking precaution after precaution without taking action is often times worse than to shoot and take action then start honing in your shot. Trial and error is a great way to learn, and is far better than sitting around doing nothing.

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