Tag: Venture for America

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Meet the Interns For America

One my favorite things about interning for Venture for America were the six other interns I got to work with, and live with this summer. Therefore for my last blog post, I decided to profile them as a way to say thank you, and to show others examples of what makes a great co-worker. From…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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Overcoming TC

My name is Miranda Ditmore and I was born TC, or Technologically Challenged. I do think part of my aversion to technology was nature, as my strengths and interests lie in liberal arts. However I think the majority of the blame goes to my mom, who’s severe TC impacts everyone around her, especially me. She…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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Chances Are You Won’t Find Your Dream Job at 20

It is so easy to fall into the trap of believing that everyone at Babson knows exactly what they want to do, and already has their job offer lined up. As students, this puts pressure on you to achieve amazing internships that will guide you directly to your dream job. And if you’re really on…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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Surviving an Entrepreneurship Boot Camp

I have a pretty unconventional summer internship. So for my second blog post, I figured I would explain more about the company I’m working for, and what I will be doing throughout the summer. I’m currently a programs intern for Venture for America (VFA), a non-profit that aims to promote entrepreneurship in emerging cities by…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog