Author: Xingyu Chen

Show your value in the team

How to show my value in the team? This problem has been asked by everyone when people start to work. If you cannot find your own value in the team, you are confused and lost when you are doing works with the team. Everyone wants to be recognized by others. They want others to know…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

Bring the positive vibe to the team

As a team, it is necessary to set up a clear goal. It not only includes a clear recent working goal, but a clear long-term working plan. When the team is caring about the quality and quantity of works done, we should care more about people in our team. Caring the health situation of team…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

Communication with Clients

During my internship, I started to interact with clients who are from different regions, having different careers, and using different ways to interact with others. Some of them are very indecisive and always question a lot; some of them doubt the reliability of our company and do not want to use our services. Thus, we…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

“No man is an island”

There is a saying — “No man is an island.” We’ve always heard about it but it is actually hard to understand its meaning without being in a team and experiencing challenges with teammates. At Babson, we’ve joined a lot of teams in different classes, communicated with different people, tried to reach an agreement, and…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog