Author: Katina Orive

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Thank you cards and gifts

The last days of summer internships are coming and with them you have to prepare for the big closing. Just like wrapping up conversations and final projects, you want to leave your internship and supervisors with a bang! Reflection. First and foremost, reflect about your internship. Write down the things that you learned, that you…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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Network with Young Professionals

When you start networking with school alumni or other professionals, many times people will tell you that is best to speak with people in senior or manager roles. Individuals in higher positions tend to have more experience in the field as well as more influence in the hiring process of a company, versus a new…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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Tips to Stay Healthy as an Intern

The summer is the perfect time to catch-up on sleep, eat well and become healthy overall. As college students we tend to not have this luxury during the school year. Asking my colleagues and friend we compiled a list of ideas on how to stay healthy as an intern, while not wasting a lot of…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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The Yes Intern!

The movie Yes Man depicts the kind of attitude one should affront an internship with since the start. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, Yes Man is the story of a negative man who is challenged to say “yes” to anything that crosses his path. This challenge leads him to many different adventures,…

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Start with a Bang!

Start with a Bang! The first day of any summer internship always brings first day jitters. The feeling of nervousness and anxiety are completely normal when starting the first day on the job, from your first internship to your last job. This first day is seen as key in setting up how the rest of…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog