Author: Keenan James

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Advantages of Working at a Small Company

If you didn’t know already, this summer I have had the opportunity to work as a marketing intern at a small real estate technology company, dotloop, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. In my past blog posts, I have always talked about the rewarding experience that I have had with the company, yet I have never explained…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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The Truth About Marketing

Before this summer, I purely thought of marketing as the front-end of the sales process. Goal being to simply create a mind provoking advertisement that entices potential clients to interact with the company. After this is done, sales takes over and the marketing department’s job is complete. As a marketing intern at dotloop, I have…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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Let Me Get You in the Loop – with dotloop

If you have ever purchased or sold real estate, you know there are an endless number of papers and contracts that have to be signed by multiple parties. The amount of emails, faxes, and late night meetings to get signatures will give anyone a migraine. dotloop is a simple management system that allows for the…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog

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The Internship Search Process

This summer, I am proud to be working as a marketing intern at a real estate technology company, dotloop. Every summer, I have kept myself busy with internships and jobs, yet this year I learned a few simple but important tips that I would like to share: Start Early Go to Career Services Know the…

Posted In Undergraduate Blog